8 Week Course – Break the Golden Handcuffs

You’ve got a secure job with an impressive salary, free seltzer water, and a promise of increasingly appealing incentives to stay on board.  On the outside, everything is awesome!  Your boss tells you you’re crushing it.  Your parents and middle school teachers are proud.

But when you think about your job, you want to puke. You don’t care about your work.  Pretending to do so is slowly eating away at your soul.  You’ve been fantasizing about quitting for years, and planning on it – as soon as you get that bonus, and your stocks vest, and you’ve got enough experience for your next job.  Then you can repeat the whole process again.

Does this terrify you?  It terrified me – which is why I quit my job.  Read the about why and how in the links below:


If you’re done waiting to be liberated from your current job and start down the path of a more meaningful life, I will help you make sure that happens.


Course Content

The longer you wear those golden handcuffs, the harder it will be to break them.  Fortunately, it’s never too late.  In this 8 week program, you’ll learn how to:

  • Plan and prepare for the tumultuous challenge of living a fulfilled life
  • Make a commitment about leaving you are guaranteed to stick to
  • Quit on your own terms without burning any bridges

This course is not a magic pill.  It will not make your life better – but if you do the course work, you will make your life better.  Stop fantasizing about roundhouse kicking your CEO in the eye.  Make a commitment to do something else – anything else – than the job that is dissolving your humanity.

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This course is not for everyone.  Once you apply, I will reach out to you to ensure you’re a good fit.

Course Logistics:

  • Six interactive group video chat classes (one hour per class)
  • One 1-on-1 coaching call at conclusion (one hour per person)
  • Access to community of other handcuff breakers
  • $300 per person
  • Start date: November 2017.  Sign up now to access our community and other resources.